21 May 2006

Dvinsk Clan Parkour

This Russian Parkour video is shot in a typical Russian provicial "Bedroom District."
Parkour (also called freerunning, abreviated to PK) is a physical discipline of French origin in which participants attempt to pass obstacles in the fastest and most direct manner possible, using skills such as jumping and climbing, or the more specific parkour moves. The obstacles can be anything in one's environment, so parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of many suitable public structures that are accessible to most people, such as buildings and rails. ( WIKIPEDIA)

Russian Army Hazing

Hazing is still rampant in the Army. Hopefully things will change once the Russian Army turns Professional-only and draft will be banned.

Russian Massive soccer fan fight

These massive brawls were pretty common in the 90's after the collapse of the Soviet law enforcement system.

Heavily accented drunk Russian Yoga.

This is pretty flexible for a 50-year-old. I think he was going for some Tree Pose, but ended up with some twisted cirque du soleil position.

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